List of the Winners:
Best Minor Puppy: Köves-bérci Betyár Kapitány Best Puppy: Kormosvári-Hajtó Bikfic Junior Club Winner male: Köves-bérci Betyár Igéző „Rookie” Male Intermediate CAC: Köves-bérci Betyár Gavallér, Open CAC: Kunok Kincse Hazárd, Champion CAC: Köves-bérci Betyár Báró Club Winner male: Köves-bérci Betyár Gavallér Veteran Club Winner male: Nyírségfia Rabló Junior Club Winner female: Nyírségfia Fecske Female Intermediate CAC: Szófogadás Zille Open CAC: BAM Aranyos Ajándék Champion CAC: Kunok Kincse Anna Club Winner female: Szófogadás Zille Veteran Club Winner female: Kormosvári-Hajtó Pletyka Best Hobby male: Harcos Best Hobby female: Csinos Best Junior: Nyírségfia Fecske Best Veteran: Nyírségfia Rabló Best of Breed: Szófogadás Zille Best Opposite Sex: Nyírségfia Rabló Special prices: Best mudi with Herding Test: Kunok Kincse Hazárd "Marci" Best Hip tested mudi: Köves-bérci Betyár Éjfél "Fura" Best child-dog pair: Kocsis Kitti - Köves-bérci Betyár Éjfél "Fura" Best breeding pair: Beszédes A Mudim: BAM Virgonc & Aranyos Ajándék Best Breeding Group: Kunok Kincse Furkó, Fátyol, Hazafi, Hazárd Most promising herding work at the herding test: Bojtár (rescued mudi) Best rescued: Lepke Most beautiful headed male: Királytelki Zsáner Most beautiful headed female: BAM Aranyos Ajándék The winners of the playing competitions Lepke & Kádár Nóri 2nd placey Ében (Köves-bérci Betyár Gavallér) & Parancs Ádám and Csinos & Hegedűs Szilvi 3rd place Ajna (Magna Hungária Ajnácska) & Ember Kati There were 18 participants at the herding test and 17 were successful. |

- 10 May 2015 - Portelek - Magyar Mudi Egyesület CAC Dog Show & other programs, official herding instinct test and non-FCI programs included :-)
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ENTRY is Closed for the 2015 MME Club Show!
40 dogs are entered for the show, 15 for the herding instinct test!
see also on facebook:
ENTRY is Closed for the 2015 MME Club Show!
40 dogs are entered for the show, 15 for the herding instinct test!