For the puppies available at our breeders click here!
2019 Mudi Association Calendar
Dear Mudi fan Friends,
Our association's presidency repeatedly considered to prepare a calendar specific to the breed. Although each year, a great, colourful Mudi Calendar is made by the Mudi Rescue, but it mainly illustrates the diversity of the breed, the activity of the dogs adopted, and it is declared that for the dogs it is not mandatory to comply with the breed standard. We would like to fill this gap, with educational and informative purposes to introduce the standard mudis. In our calendar each month is illustrated with specific details of the Mudi breed standard, with photos of typical dogs. We hope the A3 size and the beautiful images will be appropriate for transmitting the quoted message.
Though the appropriate part of the breed standard is in Hungarian at each month, but there is an English summary at the end of the calendar, for each month the quotes from the FCI breed standard in English.
If you want to order calendar, you should send your request to [email protected] email address. The price will be 7 Euro per calendar plus post cost that is for an EU country app 8 Euro, out of the EU a bit more (or if you order more than one also a bit more as they measure it.) Do not send money before the confirmation and feedback information.
Thank you !
Our association's presidency repeatedly considered to prepare a calendar specific to the breed. Although each year, a great, colourful Mudi Calendar is made by the Mudi Rescue, but it mainly illustrates the diversity of the breed, the activity of the dogs adopted, and it is declared that for the dogs it is not mandatory to comply with the breed standard. We would like to fill this gap, with educational and informative purposes to introduce the standard mudis. In our calendar each month is illustrated with specific details of the Mudi breed standard, with photos of typical dogs. We hope the A3 size and the beautiful images will be appropriate for transmitting the quoted message.
Though the appropriate part of the breed standard is in Hungarian at each month, but there is an English summary at the end of the calendar, for each month the quotes from the FCI breed standard in English.
If you want to order calendar, you should send your request to [email protected] email address. The price will be 7 Euro per calendar plus post cost that is for an EU country app 8 Euro, out of the EU a bit more (or if you order more than one also a bit more as they measure it.) Do not send money before the confirmation and feedback information.
Thank you !
The club winners of our association won entry for this year EuroDogShow.
Our Association will be introduced there at the Hungarian Kennel Club stand and this presentation will be a part of the introduction.
Thanks for the support to the Hungarian Kennel Club!
Previous events:
Herding competiton on 25 August 2018:
Magyar Mudi Egyesület (Hungarian Mudi Association) Special CAC show
BEST OF BREED: Kormosvári-Hajtó Bikfic
Best Opposite Sex: Köves-bérci Betyár Éjfél
Best Breeding Group: Nyírségfia Kennel
Best KORMOSVÁRI-HAJTÓ Dog and The winner of the K-H prize in 2018: Kormosvári-Hajtó Bikfic
Best Opposite Sex: Köves-bérci Betyár Éjfél
Best Breeding Group: Nyírségfia Kennel
Best KORMOSVÁRI-HAJTÓ Dog and The winner of the K-H prize in 2018: Kormosvári-Hajtó Bikfic
24 March 2018 - Portelek, Szarvas Tanya: MME Hungarian Mudi Association Club Show 2018
for more info click here
I. MUDI WORLD MEETING (7-10.09.2017. - Nyíregyháza)
Event website - click here!
The winners of Hungarian Mudi Association's contest of 2017:
The slideshow is from the photos sent by our members:
The photos published on this website are submitted by our members.
The association does not take responsibility for the authors' rights.
The association does not take responsibility for the authors' rights.